
5/5 The U.S. vs. John Lennon
英文發音 有中文字幕 導演:David Leaf & John Scheinfeld

5/12 RAM DASS FIERCE GRACE 導演:Mickey Lemle
Mickey Lemle opens his fascinating biopic of spiritual leader Ram Dass with two strikingly contrasted images--archival footage from 1969 showing the long-bearded, blissed-out guru intoning on the role of a yogi, and the present-day Dass, older and debilitated, struggling to lift his legs out of a car. These images reflect the film's dual mission: to illuminate Ram Dass' pivotal role as a spiritual guide in 1960s America, and to follow him on a new quest after suffering a stroke. Dass (formerly Richard Alpert) was a Harvard psychology professor, who with Timothy Leary spearheaded the movement to explore LSD’s mind-expanding capabilities. Along with interviewing Dass' contemporaries, Lemle uses compelling archival footage of Dass' days at Harvard, the acid-tripping community at Millbrook, and his life-changing experience in India with guru Maharaj Ji. Layered between images from the guru's heyday, Lemle uses touching footage of Dass shot over a two-year period, as he struggles with the physical and emotional fallout from his stroke. The "fierce grace" of illness sets Dass on a new spiritual path and like his previous forays, makes for fascinating and insightful viewing.
5/19 WOOD STOCK -愛と平和と音楽の三日間英文發音 字幕:英文日文 導演:Michael Wadleigh
5/26John Lennon And Yoko: The Bed-In 英文字幕發音導演: John Lennon And Yoko Ono
我們只想說給和平一個機會吧!約翰藍儂和他妻子-洋子,知道兩人的結婚必受大眾媒體矚目,於是計畫利用蜜月時光在Amsterdam Hilton Hotel,進行為期一週的和平訊息主張,每天邀請各國媒體在蜜月床上接受採訪從早上9:00到9:00不停的為和平發聲,和一連串之後發展與迴響紀錄