
Types of Processes 日光顯影方式



• Original John Herschel’s formula, using Ferric Ammonium Citrate (green scale) and Potassium Ferricyanide to create cyan (blue) colored image.

1. Need to mix part A and part B just before using to make it light sensitive. (A + B = light sensitive working solution)

2. Printed image color is almost the same (Cyan) as the NEW FORMULA, but not as deep blue.

3. Need longer exposure times. (20 - 30 mins. in direct sun, instead of 5-10 mins, as with the NEW FORMULA).

4. Sensitizer Part A will get moldy after about a month & need to be filtered.

5. Chemical prices are much cheaper and easier to mix than the NEW FORMULA.
6. Less toxic.
7. Printed images can be toned in coffee, tea & more to create warmer tones.

.原始的“John Herschel”配方,是使用Ferric Ammonium Citrate (檸檬酸鐵銨 綠色)與 Potassium Ferricyanide 赤血鹽混合製造出青色(cyan)的影像。
1. 於使用前,須將A劑與B劑混合出感光劑。(A+B=感光工作液,欲使用前才須混合,並立刻使用)。
2. 最終的影像顏色與新配方的效果幾乎相同(青色),但沒有那麼深藍。
3. 需要較長時間的曝光(陽光直射下需20~30分鐘,新配方則只需5~10分鐘)
4. A劑約一個月後會有些沈澱物,需要過濾。
5. 化學藥劑價錢比較低,也較易於混合。
6. 較低毒性。
7. 成像可調成咖啡或茶色,或較為溫暖的色調。


• Uses TRADITIONAL FORMULA but with Part C to control contrast and color.
1. Need to mix part A, part B & part C just before using. (A + B + C = working solution)
2. Printed image color can be adjusted from Cyan to brown.
3. Need MUCH longer exposure times. (1 to 2 hours in direct sun or 2 to 8 hours in cloudy skies – pending on desired color).
4. May need longer washing/soaking times (Up to 24 hours in water).
5. Sensitizer Part A will get moldy after about a month & need to be filtered.
6. Chemicals for sensitizer Part C is expensive and difficult to buy.
7. Sensitizer Part C is much more toxic than the TRADITIONAL FORMULA (A + B).

1. 須將A、B與C劑於要使用前混合。(A+B+C=感光工作液)
2. 成像顏色可調整自青色至棕色。
3. 需要大量的曝光時間(陽光直射下1~2小時,陰天須2~8小時。曝光時間依所需顏色而不同)
4. 需要更長的水洗與曬乾時間(上至24小時浸泡於水中)
5. A劑約一個月後會有沈澱物及黴菌出現,需要過濾。
6. C劑價錢昂貴且不易取得。
7. C劑毒性較強。


• Developed by Dr. Mike Ware using Ferric Ammonium Oxalate and Potassium Ferricyanide.

1. One part solution (one premixed solution = light sensitive working solution).
2. Printed image color is much deeper blue.
3. More light sensitive (exposure time of 5-10 mins. in direct sun, instead, of 20 – 30 mins. as with the TRADITIONAL FORMULA).
4. Better tonal range than the TRADITIONAL FORMULA.
5. More stable chemical (will last at least one year).
6. Can be diluted up to 1part (sensitizer) &1 part (water) without much of color loss.
7. More toxic than the TRADITIONAL FORMULA (A + B).
8. More complicated to mix from raw materials (from dry powder & crystals).

.由Mike Ware博士發明,使用是使用 Ferric Ammonium Oxalate (草酸鐵銨)與 Potassium Ferricyanide 赤血鹽製作
1. 一劑(事先混合好的溶劑=感光工作液)
2. 成像效果有著更深的藍色。
3. 對光線更為敏感(陽光直射下約5~10分鐘,否則須20~30分鐘)
4. 色調階差較傳統配方好
5. 化學藥劑較為穩定(可保存至少一年)
6. 可以1(溶劑):1(水)的比例稀釋而不會有太多的顏色損失。
7. 比傳統配方毒性更強。
8. 欲混合原始素材(乾粉和晶體)較為複雜。


• Uses Ferric Ammonium Citrate (green scale), Tartaric Acid and Silver nitrate to create brown toned images.

1. One part solution (one premixed solution = light sensitive working solution).
2. Printed image color is warm brown to dark cocoa brown.
3. More detail on printed image.
4. Overall process is similar to Cyanotype but VDB requires development, not just wash in water.
5. Shorter shelf life of chemical (will last about three months or up to one year if refrigerated).
6. More archival than Cyanotypes (up to 100+ years if toned in Platinum, palladium or gold toner).
7. When toned, the image quality is comparable to Platinum/Palladium print but much cheaper than making Platinum/Palladium prints.

. 使用Ferric Ammonium Citrate 檸檬酸鐵銨 !green scale 綠色) , Tartaric Acid 酒石酸與 Silver nitrate 硝酸銀混合製造出棕色調的影像
1. 一劑(事先混合好的溶劑=感光工作液)
2. 成像為溫暖的棕色至黑巧克力的顏色。
3. 成像有更多的細節。
4. 整體過程與氰版攝影雷同,指使棕版印刷需要顯影過程,而非只需水洗。
5. 化學藥劑保存期限較短(保存於冰箱約三個月到一年)。
6. 成像可比氰版攝影保存的更久(若是白金版、 鈀金、或金色上色可保存一百年以上)
7. 上色後,影像品質可比擬白金/ 鈀金版,但較便宜。

PHOTOSYNTHESIS (Printing on Leaf): 光合作用(印在葉子上)

Using only the film, leaf and sun light.