

What is A.P.P.? 什麼是日光顯影?
The general idea of most common Alternative Photographic Process is to make your own light sensitive solution, hand coat the paper and make a contact print in the sun. Basically, A.P.P. is creating photographic images in a non-traditional ways (without the use of darkroom or commercialized silver gelatin photographic paper). There are more than 30 different types of A.P.P. and most of the processes use UV light source (sun or UV light bulbs) to make a print. Most of the A.P.P. is a contact print process which requires film size to be the same as the printed image size.

一般來說,最常見的“非傳統拍攝顯影方式”(Alternative Photographic Process,知然堂特別將此詞翻譯為“日光顯影”,簡稱“A.P.P.”),是自行製作對光敏感的藥劑,將藥劑塗覆在紙上之後直接在陽光下進行直接轉印顯影(contact print,或稱接觸式曝光,即將要轉印於感光紙材的物件放於紙上)。基本上,A.P.P.是以“非傳統的方式”(即不透過暗房或已商業量產的銀鹽相紙)創造出攝影的影像。目前坊間有超過30種不同的 A.P.P.日光顯影方式,而大部分的方式都使用紫外線(日光或紫外線燈泡)來製作。而大多數的日光顯影也都運用直接轉印顯影(contact print),這種顯影的特色是底片的尺寸需要和最後欲得到的相片尺寸一樣大小。