
給大家的感謝‧Power of your support

[這是sky小智傳給我們的氰版影像,標題是"雨中的草地"。謝謝他,也謝謝大家。在他的部落格還有更多小草地的影像: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/vinance/7422481 ]


Power of Your Support

As I was driving back from the Grassfest on late Sunday night, I was struggling to keep my eyelids from dropping down and become a movie screen. Despite the fact that some of the best films I have seen were under my eye lids, it wasn’t the right time to be dreaming. As my mind was scrambling for a double shot of espresso, recapturing the scenes from the Grassfest had far more jolting effect than any amount of caffeine I could consume. The thoughts of all of you whom I met at the Grassfest (especially the hard-core fans from the Por Que Base), the energy, and the intrigued minds seeking inspiration and passion gave me the highs to stay awake.

Despite the challenges and the difficulties we face on a daily bases - along with discouragements from the family that often bury us three feet underground, meeting people like you who appreciates our actions in Taiwan reassures us that we are doing the right thing. Without your support, our dreams are just imaginations and fantasies. Without your support, we are hopeless. The hope that you provide us encourages us to face the discouragements. Though we have visited many beautiful places in Taiwan no place here is as beautiful as the people we meet who give us that hope. And with that hope, our dreams are transformed into our mission.

Though our mission may appear to be about sharing the resources and the practices, in a wider perspective, our mission is to share ideas and alternative thinking that would lead to establishing one’s own identity and seek to make changes for the better. And as I questioned what may be bringing all of us together, I would conclude that we are coming together as the black sheep in this society. Most of you (if not all) and I seek for more than what is typical and routine. We seek for better ways to fulfill our lives through diversity, uniqueness and the freedom of our expression. We seek to do what we please more than fulfilling other peoples’ expectations. We believe that success should not be measured by materials, monetary gain or the title on our name card. We seek for what we feel is more important and valuable to humanity – to be who we are as an individual.

We, the black sheep, are the minority in this society and seek to be heard. Therefore, gathering and working together is vital to sharing our positive belief system that will fulfill our dreams.

In spite of that belief, I appreciate every one of you for sharing your energy and enthusiasm that fills me with pure gratification, and I thank all of you for showing your interest in what we do and providing us with support that even our own family members could not provide.

As always, I would appreciate any comments or suggestions on how we can make better contributions to the society.

With great respect,





或許淺意來看,我們現在所做的,好像是分享我們所知道的資源與經驗,但是放大來看,對於想要尋找自我識別與聲音的人或是想要為了更好而做改變的人,我們真正想要做的,是分享不同於主流或是一般期待的想法與觀念。我不斷的思考是甚麼東西把大家和知然堂連在一起,讓我們相知相惜,而這個結論對我來說就是,不論是在思考或行為上,其實我們或多或少,都是這個社會上或是他人口中的異類( 或白羊群裡的黑羊Black Sheep )。我們想在自己有限的生命裡,探索無盡的多樣性與經驗獨特性,還想要可以自由自在的表達。對於尋找自我成長歡愉與社會傳統期待的終極兩端,我們知道要怎麼讓自己快樂。我們相信成功不是以物質金錢或是名片上的職稱來衡量。我們尋找並感受,哪些東西對人性來說是重要並富有價值的,並同時保有獨立的自我。



