
saying something studpid...

Saying something stupid…

Since we are all afraid of saying something that may sound stupid, I will tell you about mine first.

One day I was at a friend’s studio and walked into his darkroom. As I walked out, I said “Wow! It’s very dark in there”.

And one from a student:

About 6 years ago, I told a student that she will need a camera for the class and she replied “I have a digital camera”, then I said “No, you will need a film camera because we will be processing the film in the darkroom” then she said “I can process it in my computer”.

It sounded a bit stupid but then it made me realize how old I was…

Another one from a different student and I:

There was a student in my night class who was taking the class to explore the possibilities of photography. She was an attractive girl in her late 20’s.

On our first night of printing, she walks over to me with a big smile and says “Syko, do you know how much I love doing this? I love it so much that for Mother’s Day, I want to ask for an enlarger instead of a breast enlargement”. I said “WHAT!”, Then she told me that she has been married for 6 years and had three children and that she is not as attractive as before. So for Mother’s Day (which was about a month away) her husband will be getting her a breast enlargement.

I was a bit outraged on the idea that this young attractive girl is accepting the fact that her husband will be getting his wife a breast enlargement for a Mother’s Day gift.

Even though it may not be any of my business what they do her breasts, I just couldn’t help but to pull her aside and ask if she was serious. When she confirmed that she was serious, I expressed my thoughts and told her she needed to have more self esteem and not let someone else decide on what to do with her body.

She showed up for one more class. Then I never saw her again.

At times, I still wonder about expressing my thoughts to her.

Did she consider what I said and got an enlarger instead? I highly doubt it.

If I didn’t say anything, would she have continued with the class and truly fell in love with photography and changed her life forever? Perhaps…

But at that moment, I felt that she was a victim of society’s malicious judgment and I needed to express my opinion.

I have heard “Think twice, say it once”.

Unfortunately, I’m still a fool. And I still believe that sometimes we just need to say how we feel.

If you have anything you would like to share, please feel free. It doesn't have to be something positive.
