Dear Syko:
Thank you for the wonderful tour (the workshop you led at MOGU shop two weeks ago).
About the homework "time", I want to find a way to express that sometimes people feel like time stops when losing something or someone, EX. death or breaking up with lover.
But I can't figure out how to express that state of mind by photos.
Do you have any suggestions?
The attatched please find my homework.
Thank you.
Have a nice day.
Hi Echo,
Sorry for delaying your reply.
I want to thank you much for sharing your images.
The moon image is very nice. It's beautiful and portrays strong feelings. Even without the moon, just the buildings with glowing windows is powerful.
Photographs can be very expressive with full of emotion, but as I have mentioned during the workshop, you can not completely express how you feel only through a photographic image. With that in mind, to show "the feeling of time stopping" due to losing someone, we need to think about what that feeling really is.
(tracy註:這是中英文用法和邏輯思考的不同。中文的"時間彷彿靜止凝固的感覺",若是已經在文中提到失去摯愛時,大家自然而然會想"永無止境"或"至死方休"之類的心碎。就像是佛家說的"無間",因為一直存在與活在某一種情緒裡,無法跳脫,永恆亦是無間。但是,在攝影裡,英文的時間靜止,就是基本上就是一個技術性的問題。看你是要哪個F Stop和快門是幾千分之一秒。還有,單單的"時間靜止",並不能表達喜怒哀樂。所以,syko會請你先分析,要表達的情緒是甚麼)
I'm sure you have heard people say photography stops time by capturing that particular moment of time, but that does not mean the photographs suggests "the feeling of time stopping".
When we lose someone, we feel empty, alone, lose of hope & inspiration. There is also disbelief (we don't believe that person is gone) especially with death. So, "the feeling of time stopping" may be more about lifelessness (no life, the end).
If there is sense of life or motion in the picture, it suggests time. Which means, an image of something that does not show any sign of life would portray sense of timelessness.
Example: The moon shot does show loneliness, emptiness and lack of motivation. But it also suggests life - by the lights and the moon. The lights suggest there are people in those rooms. I also think that man made objects are lifeless but nature has life. So, nature also suggests time, and I imagine the moon slowly rotating around the earth.
舉 例來說,月亮的這張影像,表達出了孤寂、空虛與缺乏動力,但是,在這張影像的一些元素,同樣也隱隱透出了生命的痕跡。例如,建築物裡透出的燈光和幾乎是圓 的月。這些燈光,告訴我這些建築物是有人的住的,有人打理的。同樣的,自然的景觀,總是令人想到生命與生生不息,尤其是月亮與公轉自轉的想法,更是與"正在進行中的時間"並行不悖。不過,人工的東西,是會容易讓人做"無生命"或"無生氣"的聯想。
For me, an example that shows "feeling of time stopping "would be an image of a room or a building without any sign of life. I also feel that color images portray more of life than B/W images. B/W images better portrays timelessness.
Well, please let me know if this is helpful at all.
Or if you have any difficulties in understanding what I'm trying to say.
Please take care and stay in touch.
info@porque.biz 或是 porquebase@yahoo.com