

翻譯下面Syko post的:







“傻瓜或不傻瓜“(原文:“快照Snapshot v.s.正式攝影“)– 在這個工作坊中,我所定義的“快照Snapshot“為:自發的且很快的拍下一張照片,這個拍攝的動作沒有藝術或技術的考量,而且用的是簡單的相機。

1. 器材與態度

2. 誰是觀眾?

3. 不同的美學

4. 哪一個對攝影師來說比較有價值?為什麼?又是如何的有價值?

5. 為什麼這些“快照“可以在藝廊或是美術館展示?

6. 快照的未來–最初是柯達的“布朗尼Brownie“相機,接著是拍立得的出現、即可拍、數位相機,然後是手機–下一個又會是什麼呢?

7. 應用於自己的作品中

Alfred Stieglitz
Walker Evans
Robert frank
Nan Golden
William Eggleston
Wolfgang Tillmans
Martin Parr
Terry Richardson
Corrine Day






Workshop #2 "Snapshot vs. Formal"

Hello again everyone,

The more time I spend discovering Taiwan, the more I am convinced that this is an amazing place to be.
There are many people all around Taiwan trying to keep the arts alive, doing things they truly believe in and are passionate about.
But, it seems as though there isn't enough of networking going on.
By networking with others, we can be further inspired, motivated and encouraged to pursue our beliefs.

I'm still not sure that what we are trying to accomplish by organizing the workshops & gatherings is effective.
Sometimes I believe we are having a positive effect on some of you, but at times, I question myself "Why am I doing this?" and "Am I doing something that is in vain & futile?".

It's very normal for anyone to have doubts about their work once in awhile, but recently, this question popsup in my head more often than it should. Perhaps it's because I want to make progress and I'm impatient to see the effectiveness.

Regardless, I must continue with what I believe is the right thing to do...

So, for the next workshop, let's talk about the following issues surrounding the " Snapshot Vs. Formal Approach" - For this workshop, I am defining "Snapshot" as: A picture taken spontaneously and quickly without artistic intent and without technical concerns using simple cameras.
And "Formal" as: A picture taken with preconceived idea or concept, with aesthetic concerns, technical capabilities and with an intent to produce (a part or complete) body of work.

1. The Equipment & the Attitude.
What is your attitude when using a point & shoot camera vs. a "professional" camera?
How do people feel to be photographed by a point and
shoot camera vs. a "professional" camera with a "Rambo" lens?.

2. Who is the audience?
who are you taking the "snapshots" for?
who are you taking the "formal" shots for?

3. Aesthetic difference.
Since we know "Aesthetics" is more or less subjective,
how do we acknowledge the Aesthetic Value in snapshot and the formal?

4. Which one holds more value to the photographer? why & how?
Why do some photographers value snapshots more than others? Why do some photographers see snapshot as frivolous and immature?

5. How does snapshot fit into the galleries and museums?
I'm sure many of your have wondered as well by saying "that looks like it was shot with a Holga (or Lomo)".
So, how is snapshot accepted in a formal academic environment?

6. Future of snapshot- First was the roll film on a Kodak Brownie camera, then came the Polaroid cameras, disposable cameras, digital cameras, and mobile phone cameras - what will be next?

7. Applying the resources to our own work.
When is the "snapshot" or "formal" approach more appropriate?
Can "snapshot" and "formal" be combined? If so, how?

Few "snapshot" photographers to check out:
Alfred Stieglitz
Walker Evans
Robert frank
Nan Golden
William Eggleston
Wolfgang Tillmans
Martin Parr
Terry Richardson
Corrine Day
I'm sure you know many others, so please bring your resources to share.

Also, if anyone of you know that you will not be able to come, please let us know ASAP so that we can invite the people on the waiting list.
We will rearrange the room to make more space, and in the future, we will move to a bigger space to accommodate few more people.

Thank you all and see you on Sunday.
