
after thought of workshop #2

Hello por que base supporters,


It was nice to gather around and chat about the issues that intrigues us.

I felt we had good a discussion, covering many issues surrounding

"Snapshot" and "Formal Approach".

可以在一起談我們感興趣的議題,是令人喜悅,我自己認為,對於上一個工作坊的議題 傻瓜與不傻瓜” ( 攝影上快照與正式的表現方法),有一個很好的討論。

With our first workshop, "Aesthetics-Beauty", it was heavily based on theory & opinion, and we didn't talk much about how that can be applied to our own work. My intention of with the "Snapshot vs. Formal Approach" workshop was to talk about our approach to

taking pictures and how we can better apply it to our work.

上一次的美學與審美的工作坊,絕大部分的時間,我們著重在理論與個人意見的表達,而沒有談到該如何應用到本身創作上的部份。對於這一次工作坊主題,我的本意主要是想要和大家分享 照相的處理方法和我們如何能應用到創作上。

I'm not sure how many of you felt we actually talked about what you

had in mind, but I sensed that many of you was thinking something different.

We even had a different idea of what snapshot is.


Here are few definitions of a "Snapshot" that I found:


snap·shot [snap-shot] noun, verb, -shot or -shot·ted, -shot·ting.

Snapshot “快照” –名詞,動詞。Snapshotshapshotted snapshotting

–noun 名詞

1. an informal photograph, esp. one taken quickly by a

hand-held camera.


2. Hunting. a quick shot taken without deliberate aim.


3. Informal. a brief appraisal, summary, or profile.


–verb (used with object), verb (used without object)


4. to photograph informally and quickly.


A snapshot is popularly defined as a photograph that is "shot" spontaneously and quickly, most often without artistic or journalistic intent. Snapshots are commonly considered to be technically "imperfect" or amateurish--out of focus or poorly framed or composed.


Even without the dictionary definition, I believe the difference is the photographers approach, which is relied on their equipment, attitude and their intention.

就算是沒有字典的釋意,我相信不同的是每一位攝影師的手法( 處理方法),而他們的處理方法則是藉由器材、態度與意圖來表現。

Perhaps we talked too much in depth about the equipment and attitude of a photographer. In the future we will have workshop focusing on contemporary artists & their inspirations.


But his workshop was not intended to just talk about the differences and make ourselves sound intelligent. It was to share our resources, different point of view and inspire each other, so that we can do something with it in a positive manner. Most importantly, it was so that we can learn something new, and be able to PUT INTO PRACTICE.


With that said, look how much your equipment effects your attitude, and how much you rely on your equipment to capture a specific image to meet your intent. Most photographers I respect and admire understands how important their choice of camera is to their work - I'm not just talking about the size or the quality of the camera, but having the right camera for specific circumstances.


I think some of you wanted to know what is a good snapshot and want learn how to

take better snapshots or good formal/professional looking pictures. Some of you want to know if what, how and the way you photograph will be approved. Some of you are seeking for quick answers on how to take better pictures. But I must say, I'm not capable, nor have the desire to provide anyone with simple & quick answers on becoming a better photographer - I'm still trying to understand the process myself.


I believe we all need to be more aware, learn to be more sensitive, and know a bit

about ourselves in order to express it on our work.


I believe it's important to talk about such issues as: the photographer's attitude,

the photographer's state of mind, the relationship between the photographer and

the subject, as well as, WHAT STIRS UP PHOTOGRAPHER'S MIND?, etc... etc... etc...

I believe artists/photographers who apply those sensitivities into their work are what

distinguishes themselves from mediocracy.

我認為其實是很值得去談論一些重要的議題,例如:攝影師的態度、心裡的想法、攝影者與被攝者的關係,甚至是,有什麼是讓攝影者心煩意亂的東西? 我相信任何藝術家或攝影師,必須注重細節與敏感度並在他們的創作上發揮,才有辦法讓他們從平庸的境界脫穎而出。

I thank those of you who expressed your thoughts - whether it was positive or negative.

With that, we will better understand how to make the workshop more valuable for everyone.


In the future, I would like to have workshops where we can all sit around and

talk about our favorite artists, why do we like them?, what kind of impact did they have

on us?, What inspires them? etc... Also, I would like to have critique sessions, where we can have constructive criticism,

and not just be judgmental as to if the image is "good" or “bad".


I welcome all of you to tell us what kind of workshop you are interested in.

If we feel it's worthy of a topic, we can get a group of people with same interest

and gather to share.


I would like to end this post with a request from all of you.

PLEASE EXPRESS YOUR THOUGHTS, rather than holding back something that

may open up my mind and help others.

Don't be afraid to say something, thinking it will make you sound foolish,

or be afraid to say something that others may not agree with.

I admit the fact that sometimes I say something and later regret or realize

how ignorant I am, but I'm willing to take that risk in order to open myself up to

hear a different point of view.

I have become a bit westernized, in that, I would say what’s on my mind believing

it will be a good practice towards producing work that makes a statement about

who I am.

If I am overly conscious about what I say and do, I am not giving myself an opportunity

to learn or be told of better alternatives.



Thank you all for coming together.



p.s. we will be posting the April workshop soon.

Meanwhile, here are some sites worth checking out:







