I would like to thank everyone who came and
participated in the "Beauty" workshop.
We had a good mix of people from different background,
but all had a strong passion for photography. It was
wonderful to hear from different point of view and
discuss the theory of "Aesthetics & Beauty".
As I have expected, it wasn't perfect, but it's a good start.
Many people did not bring images to talk about.
The space was too small.
Me being illiterate to Chinese was a bit of a problem
to some of you.
And we ran out of time without a good conclusion.
I wish we had a chance to talk about the application
of "Aesthetics & Beauty" in our own work and sharing
our definition of "beauty" with others.
We all understand that "the beauty is in the eye of
the beholder", but does that mean we should just take
pictures without thinking about the "Beauty" issue?
Is it wrong to just take "beautiful" pictures?
What's more important - the "Context" or the "Beauty"?
When does it need to have both, and how can we achieve
Even though everyone has their own definition of
"beauty", I believe that more people would accept a
beautiful flower or a cute little puppy to be of
"beauty" (by our innate senses), than accept a rotten
fruit to be beautiful.
In order to see the rotten fruit to be beautiful, we
need to learn to appreciate it and see it as a
beautiful object.
appreciation of beauty to those who have not accepted
the rotten fruit to be beautiful?
Does it matter if they don't want to accept the rotten
fruit as a beautiful object?
How can we contribute our point of "beauty" to the
Something for us to think about...
For our next workshop, "Snap shot vs. Formal
Approach", I will post some information on the blog
before we meet, so that everyone can be better
prepared and bring more resources to share.
see you again soon,