我們要分享4片以美術為主題的電影 並在電影後和大家一起討論
4/7 搶救雷恩大師 Ryan 普遍級 有中文字幕 導演:Chris Landreth
雷恩拉金 他是如此彬彬有禮,是加拿大動畫先驅,曾獲奧斯卡提名,現在淪為乞丐,喪失了創作靈感,這一切上帝都看在眼裡,墜入人間的天使曾經心高氣傲,現在則是羞澀潦倒,但他還存著希望。此片曾獲得美國數位圖像協會2004得獎作品。
4/14 How to draw a bunny 英文發音 無中文字幕 導演:John W. Walter
The cartoon rabbit that was artist Ray Johnson's signature inspired the title for this documentary about the man,whose memorable life in the arts was often so creative that it befuddled even his closest friends. Johnson, once referred to as the "the most famous unknown artist in America," took individuality to a new level with his art that inventively infused pop-culture images, collages and even rubber stamps.
4/21 In the realms of the unreal 不真實的國度 有中文字幕 導演:Jessica Yu 美國華裔虞琳敏
描述的是美國畫家達戈(Henry Darger)的一生及其作品。達戈曾為芝加哥清潔工人,與一九七三年孤獨地去世,他的房東發現了他留下的三百幅水彩畫和一萬五千頁的小說,將其公佈與世,達戈才得以名聲大振。
4/28 ART:21 (seasons on one and tow) 英文發音 無中文字幕