

Why is Syko promoting A.P.P. ?
Taiwan is inundated with photo enthusiasts, yet lacks the facilities for people to learn and explore the possibilities of what photography can offer. He believes that photographers in Taiwan are not united as one but rather surrogated into groups by the brand of camera they own. Though he doesn’t expect everyone to gather without any discrimination from particular groups, he does believe any photo enthusiasts will appreciate A.P.P. for their own reasons and that the power of A.P.P. will bring the groups into same arena where he would like to encourage people to share inspirations and seek individuality through open mind and liberal thinking.

台灣充斥著對攝影擁有高度熱愛的“攝影控”,但卻缺乏完善的器材與設備,讓喜愛攝影的人們都有機會去學習並自行發覺攝影的各種可能性。 Syko感覺台灣的攝影創作者們並非連成一氣,而是依照自己所擁有的相機品牌而區分成不同的族群。雖然Syko並不期盼每個人都可以撇除成見的聚在一起,但他還是相信每一個對攝影有熱情的人都可以由不同的出發點去欣賞日光顯影。也藉由如此,日光顯影能將各種不同的攝影族群帶進同一個場域,Syko可以於此鼓動每個人分享鼓動人心的靈感泉源,並在過程中,讓每個人都找到自己的聲音並勇於發聲,進而融入個人創作中。