
About Film 底片

Original film - Has the most detail but may not be able to replace, so it would be wise to scan the film and make a digital negative.

Digital film – Creating digital film is very convenient. It’s great for making adjustments of the image, such as contrast and the size of the image (not so easy to do with original film).

Film output - Great for A.P.P. with sufficient amount of detail and ability to reprint at minimal cost.

Inkjet/Laser print – Convenient to print at home but the quality of the printer makes a big difference in image quality. High quality inkjet printer can produce adequate image for A.P.P.
When using film from inkjet or laser printer, print two of the same image and make a sandwich to produce an image with cleaner white areas and better contrast.



底片輸出(Film Output)–日光顯影最佳良伴!有足夠的細節和低成本可以重複輸出。

